Welcome to Our Advanced 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course!

For Enroll contact :

Ph: +91 85532 39932

E-mail: [email protected]

What you will learn in

Curriculum Overview

Our Advanced 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course is designed for those who have already completed a 200-hour teacher training and wish to further deepen their knowledge, refine their teaching skills, and expand their expertise in the field of yoga. This comprehensive program will take your practice and teaching to the next level. Here's an overview of what you can expect:

  • Advanced Asana and Sequencing: Deepen your understanding and exploration of advanced asanas (poses) and sequencing. Learn advanced variations, transitions, and modifications. Study the energetics of sequencing, intelligent progressions, and how to create well-rounded classes that cater to different levels and intentions.
  • Anatomy and Physiology: Expand your knowledge of anatomy and its application to yoga practice. Dive deeper into the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, and subtle body. Understand the biomechanics of advanced poses and their impact on the body. Explore therapeutic applications of yoga and how to work with specific populations.
  • Advanced Yoga Philosophy and Meditation: Explore advanced concepts in yoga philosophy, including deeper studies of ancient texts like Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Gheranda Samhita, Bhagavad Gita and philosophical systems. Deepen your understanding of meditation techniques and the role of meditation in self-realization. Explore the integration of philosophy and meditation into your personal practice and teaching.
  • Subtle Body and Energy Anatomy: Deepen your understanding of the subtle body, including the Chakras, Nadis, and Prana. Explore energy anatomy and how it influences our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Learn techniques to balance and enhance energy flow through the practice of Asana, Pranayama, Mudras and Meditation.
  • Advanced Teaching Methodology: Refine your teaching skills and develop your unique teaching style. Learn advanced adjustments and assists to support students in challenging poses. Explore the art of effective verbal cues, intelligent sequencing, and hands-on guidance. Enhance your ability to create transformative and inspiring yoga experiences.
  • Therapeutic Yoga and Modifications: Discover the therapeutic applications of yoga and learn how to modify and adapt the practice for individuals with specific needs or conditions. Deepen your understanding of anatomy and common injuries, and develop the skills to create safe and effective practices for diverse populations.
  • Yoga Ethics and Professional Development: Expand your understanding of ethical considerations in teaching yoga and navigating the yoga profession. Explore topics such as student-teacher relationships, boundaries, and the business of yoga. Develop the skills and mindset necessary for sustainable and ethical yoga teaching.
  • Experienced and Knowledgeable Faculty: Our training programs are led by experienced and passionate yoga instructors who bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise. They are dedicated to supporting your growth and providing personalized guidance throughout the training.
  • Mentorship and Practicum: Receive personalized guidance and mentorship from experienced teachers. Deepen your teaching skills through practicum opportunities, where you will have the chance to lead classes, receive feedback, and refine your teaching presence.

Our Advanced 300-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course will empower you to become a skilled and confident yoga teacher, capable of offering transformative experiences to your students. Expand your knowledge, deepen your practice, and refine your teaching skills on this advanced journey of personal and professional growth. Namaste.

Our Teacher training



Nagendran P, RYT 500.

Founder & Director, Nagendran Yoga International

P. Nagendran is a very gifted Yoga Asana teacher. Starting from a very early age of about 8, his love for performing asanas and learning new and complicated ones has never faded and only grown multifold. He has over a decade of experience teaching Yoga to beginners to very advanced level students.He started his career in yoga in 2007 after getting his Teacher Training Certificate from SVYASA Institute, Bangalore. He has a Yoga Master and Yoga Grand Master title in 2016 from Yoga Alliance International. He is a RYT500 teacher trainer at Santhi Yoga international, Pali, Kerala. He is also a certified teacher of Aerial Yoga by AntiGravity Fitness, USA.


Dr Karthik Kashyap, Ph.D. Yoga.

Founder, Arka Yoga. | Philosophy Teacher NYi

Dr. Karthik is the founder and director of Arka Yoga. Well known as a Yoga exponent, Master and Therapist with over 13 years of experience. He has a great command of Sanskrit and knowledge of Yogic Scriptures and an understanding of Yogic Living. Dr Karthik has a Bachelor's degree in Yogic Science and a Masters Degree in Yoga from SVYASA institute. He obtained his MA in Sanskrit from Mysore and a Doctorate in Yoga and Philosophy from Mangalore University. He has studied the Vedas and Vedanta for six years from Veda Vijnana Gurukulam in Bangalore. He is also a RYT 500 from Ujjain Yoga Life Society.


Deepthi Rao, M.Sc. Yoga, E-RYT500.

Founder, DeepThings.Yoga | Course coordinator NYi

Deepthi started her yoga practice as a way to balance her marathon training. Although her initial formal education was in taxation and accountancy, she pursued her interest in Yoga and made that her career. She is an E-RYT500 teacher. She has a Masters in Yoga degree from S-VYASA, India. She has more than 7 years experience leading sessions.She enjoys teaching Yoga centered Anatomy and Physiology. Her passion lies in research related to Psychology, Sleep & Yoga Nidra. She has developed meditation modules for wellness apps, writes regularly about mental health and hosts the DeepThings Podcast that explores all things yoga and wellness.

Our Upcoming

YTTC 300hrs Schedule

Weekend Batch (Saturday & Sunday)
11:00am - 1:30pm Yoga Practical & Discussion
1:30pm - 2:00pm Lunch Break
2:00pm - 4:00pm Yoga Philosophy
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the duration of the course?
Ans : The duration of the YTTC 200 hours is 6 weeks and YTTC 300 hours is 10 weeks.
Ans :
  • Minimum 6 months of Yoga practice.
  • Basic English – should be able to understand and speak basic English
Ans : Above 18 years of Age
Ans : Reasonably good health without any major injuries that might restrict your Asana practice
Ans : 100% attendance is compulsory during the course. Incase of extreme circumstances prior notice is required. In cases of leaves extending more than 2 days (with prior notice) the student will have to attend those missed sessions with subsequent TTC batches and only then be eligible for graduation.
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